How To Negotiate Your Medical Bills After a Settlement

After an accident, most people have substantial medical bills. That is one reason you might have taken legal action in the first place. Hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare providers want reimbursement for their services. Once you get a settlement, you are expected to pay off these debts. However, with careful...

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The 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Data compiled by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) shows that an estimated 4.5 million individuals suffer dog bites each year in the U.S. While any dog, under the right set of circumstances, can become aggressive and snap at someone, certain canines are more prone to attack compared to others....

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Trespassing Laws in New Mexico

Understanding trespassing laws is important for both property owners and visitors alike. In New Mexico, with its vast mix of urban and rural properties, property rights like free access and trespassing can get confusing. Luckily, our state has specific rules in place to define what constitutes trespassing, how property boundaries...

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